Viatris 2023 Sustainability Report: Expanding Contractor Training

Oct 7, 2024 3:45 PM ET
A group seated on the floor, each wearing high-vis vests and some in hard hats. People at the front of the room speaking to them.

Across all Viatris locations, we are committed to protecting contractors and visitors. They are covered by site-specific EHS policies and procedures, and we track the safety performance of our contractors through established guidelines, pre-screening and training. And in 2023, we further enhanced our program across several of our sites.

We are building a new, state-of-the-art injectable manufacturing facility in the southern India district of Krishnagiri. The site is key to Viatris’ continued strategic development, and we have made safety our highest priority. The project has required plenty of external expertise and manpower, meaning that we rely on external partners and contractors. Also, the use of heavy machinery and diverse workers coming from various cultures necessitated rigorous safety initiatives at the 69,000 square meter site to keep everyone safe. The project has successfully accomplished 2.3 million incident-free man hours and is on track to be completed later this year or in early 2025.

Key contractors and qualified safety professionals specializing in project management have worked closely on the project with Viatris’ EHS safety professionals permanently assigned to the site. Together, they implemented initiatives including:

  • Establishing the Safety Park, an area near the site’s entrance to provide an overview of safety equipment and personal protective equipment to be used by contractors
  • Providing periodic and job specific safety trainings on various topics including working at heights, electrical safety and precautions during welding, grinding and rigging, among other work. Nearly 8,000 manhours of EHS trainings have been given to contractors
  • Deploying a “Permit to Work” program to manage all activities within the boundary of the project through which we issued approximately 23,000 permits
  • Encouraging proper contractor health and safety behavior via a program to reward and recognize exemplary performers

“ I am proud to be associated with such an important project with Viatris. My primary goal has been to ensure that this project meets its intended deadline by having a stellar safety record. I am thankful to my EHS team, contractors and the project team in supporting this safety goal."

Jayesh Thakor

Senior Director – EHS Injectable

India, Viatris

View the full 2023 Sustainability Report.