TransCanada Recognized for Efforts to Improve Air Quality

TransCanada has once again been recognized for its efforts in contributing to cleaner air.
Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) member companies achieved a 5.8 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2014, contributing to a significant 22 per cent reduction in carbon emissions over the last five years.
The news is contained in the CEA's 2015 Sustainable Electricity Annual Report, titled "Delivering Value to Canadians."
As Canada’s largest private-sector power generator, TransCanada became a full member of the CEA in 2009 and has played a key role in North America’s transition towards a balanced energy mix.
“Participating in CEA's Sustainable Electricity program has given us the opportunity to contribute to an industry report, learn from other companies, and ultimately enhance TransCanada's Corporate Social Responsibility reporting practices," says Kelly Matthews, manager, Sustainability Reporting at TransCanada.
According to the report, the electricity sector is projected to achieve even further GHG and air emission reductions by 2020 as companies invest in carbon capture and sequestration, higher efficiency gas turbines, large-scale and run-of-river hydro, and other renewable energy sources.
Other air pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, and mercury emissions also fell by 4.3, 9.7, and 15.6 per cent respectively, thanks to member utilities investments of approximately $13 billion in infrastructure renewal and modernization.
Investing in a balanced energy future
TransCanada is an industry leader when it comes to building and operating highly efficient, natural gas-fired power plants across North America. We have played a key role in Ontario’s successful elimination of coal-fired power generation, last year through our investment in refurbishing the Bruce Power nuclear facility and the development of the Napanee Generating Station.
To date, TransCanada has invested more than $5 billion in emission-less energy sources, accounting for approximately one-third of the 10,900 megawatts of power we produce.
This portfolio includes one of Canada’s largest wind developments, Cartier Wind in Quebec; 13 hydroelectric facilities in New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts; eight solar facilities in Ontario; and the Bruce Power nuclear facility, which now provides approximately one-third of Ontario’s electricity supply.
“First of its kind” award given to TransCanada
Last month, TransCanada received a combined award from the CEA – a Certificate of Recognition for Sustainability Leadership for social and economic initiatives related to Energy Operations' employee training, as well as promotion of local procurement and diversity of suppliers.
The CEA created the award specifically for TransCanada since both programs – employee training and supplier diversity – didn't fit award requirements which are traditionally project-based.
However, both programs demonstrated clear innovation and industry leadership in areas of social and economic sustainability.
"The CEA was really impressed with our employee training program and sees it as a cost effective and flexible technical training program that greatly benefits the energy sector," says Nicole Wershler, energy operations strategy and planning manager at TransCanada. "The CEA has identified that this training program could easily be adopted in different companies that have extended and varied portfolios like ours.
"We're thrilled that this is the first commendation of its kind ever awarded by the CEA."
Reducing our carbon footprint
We recognize our role in the larger energy system, including our own emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHGs). We are doing our part to manage our own GHG emissions through our climate change strategy and have established lines of accountability and responsibility for climate change throughout our organization.
TransCanada has publically documented climate change-related activities for nearly 20 years. We have been voluntarily reporting to the London-based CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) since 2006. In 2014, TransCanada received our highest-ever score of 99A- on our CDP report. We also ranked second in disclosure score among Canada’s 200 largest companies. Since 2012, we have been among Canada’s top-scoring companies and named to the country’s Climate Disclosure Leadership Index.