TransCanada Named Industry Leader in Sustainability

An unwavering commitment to improving transparency in sustainability reporting has once again earned TransCanada positions on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World and North America indices in 2015.
The DJSI World Index represents the top 10 per cent of the largest 2,500 companies in the S&P Global Broad Market Index (BMI), while the DJSI North America Index represents the top 20 per cent of the largest 600 North American companies in the S&P Global BMI based on long-term environmental, economic and social criteria.
But TransCanada didn’t just earn spots on the DJSI indices; the company was recognized as a leader for sustainability practices with a company score of 72 and a percentile ranking of 100. TransCanada achieved scores above the industry average in almost every category in the economic, environmental and social dimensions, some of which include corporate governance, environmental policy / management system, corporate citizenship and philanthropy and social impacts on communities.
“Responding to RobecoSAM’s sustainability assessment requires a strong collaborative effort by many teams across the company and we’re really proud of the result,” says Kelly Matthews, manager, Sustainability Reporting at TransCanada. “Participating in third-party assessments demonstrates we’re trending in the right direction when it comes to enhancing our sustainability performance,” says Matthews.
“Over the years the DJSI index family has not only come to be the gold standard for corporate sustainability but has also become a competitive platform where companies receive recognition for their sustainability practices,” says Guido Guise, head of indices, RobecoSAM.
“More and more investors look at companies’ environmental policies and track records in making their investment decisions. The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices are comprehensive benchmarks that allow investors to gauge the collective performance of those companies that meet the RobecoSAM standard for corporate sustainability and to formulate global allocations consistent with sustainable investment standards and practices,” says David Blitzer, managing director and chairman of the Index Committee at S&P Dow Jones Indices.
Research and development (R&D) contributes to sustainability awards
Many long-term R&D investments over the past 65 years have been geared toward encouraging increased efficiency and implementing environmentally beneficial technologies and techniques. In 2014 alone, TransCanada invested over $38 million in R&D projects with benefits that included ensuring safety, improving efficiency, reducing emissions and environmental stewardship, not just for TransCanada, but to improve industry performance as a whole.
Last month, TransCanada received a combined award from the Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) – a Certificate of Recognition for Sustainability Leadership for social and economic initiatives related to Energy Operations’ employee training, as well as promotion of local procurement and diversity of suppliers.
The CEA created the award specifically for TransCanada since both programs – employee training and supplier diversity – didn’t fit award requirements which are traditionally project-based. However, both programs demonstrated clear innovation and industry leadership in areas of social and economic sustainability.
Learn more about TransCanada sustainability practices in the 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility report.