TransCanada Kicks Off Safe Digging Month!
Community partnerships help spread the word about safety

Community partnerships help spread the word about safety
Safe Digging Month is here and TransCanada is excited to spread the word about safety!
TransCanada's Public Awareness (PA) team works year-round with industry and community partners to educate stakeholders about living and working near the company's pipelines. The team reaches hundreds of thousands of people annually through PA outreach initiatives, which have recently expanded to include youth as a stakeholder group.
Part of that outreach includes participating in Safety Days that are hosted annually by the Progressive Agriculture Foundation. At Safety Day events, students make their way through display stations - each one offering different safety activities related to hazards on the farm, including animal safety, chemical safety, grain storage, machinery safety and underground utilities awareness.
For TransCanada, these Safety Days help reinforce the message to call the right people before digging on your property to prevent dangerous situations, costly repairs and service interruptions (Call or Click Before You Dig or Know What's Below in the US). Safety is paramount in the construction, operation and maintenance of TransCanada's gas and oil pipelines across North America. By collaborating with organizations like Ag for Life, Progressive Agriculture Foundation (PAF) and the Canadian Agriculture Safety Association (CASA), TransCanada can ensure that Safety Day events receive the financial support they need to reach more communities across Canada and the United States.