Tips for Super-Charging Your Philanthropy
Stay on Top of Your Game with These Six Ideas for Corporate Giving

Tips for Super-Charging Your Philanthropy
Keeping your philanthropic edge takes work. No sooner do you get everything figured out then here comes a curve ball. Your budget gets cut (but not the expectations for what your team will accomplish.) Your primary competitor steals your limelight with a new giving program in one of your focus areas. It’s all too easy to slip behind and much harder to play catch-up. The Versaic team hears these stories all the time! We’ve had the opportunity to gain insights on how some companies continue to set themselves apart despite the ongoing challenges associated with running a successful corporate giving program.
In Tips for Super-Charging Your Philanthropy Program, we’ve captured the best ideas for staying on top of your charitable giving game from leaders like Denny’s, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, JetBlue and Dell. Whether it’s overcoming challenges like shrinking budgets or using social media to increase awareness, these companies are doing what it takes to succeed. Make sure you’re doing everything in your power to make your charitable giving as impactful as possible. Check out Tips for Super-Charging Your Philanthropy Program.