Ticket Your Parents program comes to Teays Valley East Middle School
Students issue parents citations for unsafe driving behaviors

February 12, 2013 /3BL Media/ -
WHAT: Ticket Your Parents program presented by the Ohio Teen Safe Driving Coalition
WHEN: 1 p.m. Feb. 15, 2013
WHERE: Teays Valley East Middle School, 655 Viking Way, Ashville, OH 43103, (740) 983-4074
Media who wish to visit the school must call ahead and sign in at the main office prior to entering the school.
WHO: Members of the Ohio Teen Safe Driving Coalition, middle school students and teachers
WHY: East Middle School is one of three schools in Ohio that will participate in this first-of-its-kind pilot program. Students will receive a book of mock traffic tickets they can issue to their parents when they observe their parents engaging in unsafe driving behaviors such as talking on cell phones – handheld or hands-free – not wearing seat belts, eating, grooming, checking email, texting or failing to completely stop at a stop sign. The hope is to start a conversation between parents and students about safe driving practices and for students to share with their parents what they have learned from in-class safe driving lessons throughout the week.
Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the U.S. and studies show parents have the biggest influence on their teens’ driving behaviors. The Ohio Teen Safe Driving Coalition is dedicated to raising awareness around teen driving through grassroots initiatives such as the Ticket Your Parents program and to educating about the role everyone plays in keeping teens safe on the nation’s roadways.
About the Ohio Teen Safe Driving Coalition
The Ohio Teen Safe Driving Coalition is one of 10 state coalitions initiated by the National Safety Council in partnership with The Allstate Foundation. The Coalitions seek to establish a culture of teen safe driving based on the proven principles of Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) which reduce common risks teens face while maximizing learning experience. Coalitions are established in California, Florida, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Texas. There also is a coalition in Illinois. To join the Ohio Teen Safe Driving Coalition or for more information, please visit nsc.org/ohioteensafedriving.