Think It’ll be Easy to get Your Suppliers to Engage on Conflict Minerals by Yourself? Think Again.

Few Firms Name Sources in U.S. Conflict Minerals Reports
Although nearly 1,300 public companies have filed with the SEC for Conflict Minerals compliance, over 95% of these companies said that they did not know the source of their 3TG (tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold). The primary reason they filed “indeterminable” is because they could not get their suppliers to engage in the process. However, public companies will not be able to file “undeterminable” forever. And, the issue of suppliers either not knowing what to do, or not feeling compelled to do it – if they understood what to do – will remain.
Source Intelligence gives companies the method to ensure their filings will be successful when filing indeterminable will no longer be an option. It provides an affordable platform coupled with the deepest research into sourcing through a multi-lingual supplier engagement team, which interacts with global suppliers 24 hours a day - every day of the year. The unprecedented efforts of this team and the Source Intelligence quality assurance systems result in the majority of filers naming Source Intelligence in their filings reporting supplier completion rates in the 80th -90th percentiles. This rate grows higher over time.
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act SEC 1502, is mandated by the federal government to provide transparency into corporate practices and reduce funding for armed groups involved in human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and surrounding countries. Therefore, public companies must quickly gain the necessary knowledge of their supply chain and learn filing policies and procedures.
Source Intelligence is the leading provider of Conflict Minerals compliance programs, helping over 100 global brands demonstrate compliance.
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