Texas Middle Schoolers Win National Contest for App Inspired by Their Blind Classmate

By Kelli Bender
The way the visually-impaired navigate new spaces could be transformed by a group of tweens in Los Fresnos, Texas.
Six girls from Resaca Middle School recently became one of eight teams to win the Verizon Innovative App Challenge. The team's concept for a mobile application called Hello Navi earned their school a $20,000 grant from the Verizon Foundation.
Inspired by their blind classmate, Andres Salas, the middle schoolers thought up Hello Navi as a guide for the visually-impaired. The app is designed to measure a user's stride and combine this information with digital building blueprints, to then give verbal directions that can help users easily navigate unfamiliar spaces.
See the rest of this article from its original source, People.com.