Ten Times Stronger Than Steel...Guess What?
Harnessing the power of nature in nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC)

Read the latest Fiberlines blog: http://fiberlinesdomtar.com/our-business/ten-times-stronger-than-steel-guess-what/
Nanocystalline cellulose (NCC) is the structural building block of trees that gives them their amazing strength. Ten times stronger than steel, it’s also iridescent, non-toxic, stable, bio-degradable, and renewable. Nature invented it but Celluforce, a joint partnership between Domtar and FP Innovations, is the first company in the world to extract it on a commercial scale.
Quebec filmmaker Simon Gauvin of Curiociné Inc. (http://www.curiocine.com/Curiocine/ACCUEIL.html) has produced a wonderful documentary on the natural, social and economic life of the Appalachian forest. It contains a nice feature on NCC research and production in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, where the Celluforce plant is located, and what it means for the future of the pulp and paper industry. Or as we should be saying now, the wood fiber industry…
Nanocrystalline Cellulose (NCC), explained by Jean Bouchard
Jean Bouchard, Chemist at FP Innovations, is fascinated by NCC and its potential. Learn more about this amazing product: what it looks like, and the multitude of ways that it could be used: http://youtu.be/VOxMG7xQ69U
The first Nanocrystalline Cellulose (NCC) factory in the world
René Goguen, Engineer, Vice-President CelluForce, presents the first NCC factory in the world, near Windsor, Québec: http://youtu.be/ORW4AbeWYFM