Talkback Submission Call: Water - Scarcity and Solutions
By David Connor

We are today asking for thought leading submissions for consideration for CSRwire’s Talkback Series in March where we will be exploring water.
What insight, expertise, innovation, challenges, best practice or thought provoking water issues can you share?
The impact of availability of clean water to society cannot be understated. The growing pressure to better manage this increasingly scarce resource is climbing to the top of many sustainability megatrend reports. Global water stress will impact us all regardless of geographical location as the effects domino through everybody’s supply chains.
“Water is at the core of sustainable development. Water resources, and the range of services they provide, underpin poverty reduction, economic growth and environmental sustainability. From food and energy security to human and environmental health, water contributes to improvements in social well-being and inclusive growth, affecting the livelihoods of billions.”– UN Water
March 22nd will also see the United Nations World Water Day hit the headlines and a wave of debate about how to create further progress.
CSRwire wants to share our community’s thought leadership and opinion on examples such as…
- Which businesses are leading the charge on efficient water footprint management?
- What are the emerging collaborative models helping avoid conflict?
- Is water security really an issue for the developed world?
- Will technology save the day – what innovation is on the horizon?
- Is it sustainable to produce bottled water?
- Will water follow (or overtake) carbon as the next big pricing battleground?
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David, or @davidcoethica as many know him via Twitter, has a 17-year history working in the CSR and sustainability field, initially in community engagement at Everton Football Club where he spent eight years. Click here to learn more about David.