Straight Talk: An Innovative Approach to Bring Millennials, Gen X-ers and Boomers Together in the Workplace
By Tamika Cody, Managing Editor, Best Practices, DiversityInc.

This article originally published on DiversityInc.
How do you bridge the communications gap between Millennials, Gen X-ers and Baby Boomers?
Kim Manigault, CFO of KeyBank’s technology and operations division, recently created a feedback program to help the three generations come together. The program, Straight Talk, encourages constructive observation instead of complaints.
Manigault explained that the goal is to get the three groups to see that they all are actually asking for the same things.
“The reason why I started with the Millennials is because they are more forthcoming on how they operate,” Manigault said noting that she is not generalizing all Millennials. She explained that the Millennials she works with are not afraid to tell their employers what they think or what they would like to have. “And they don’t have a problem empowering themselves to make the change,” she said. However, before Millennials reveal how vocal they can be, Manigault said they want to be assured that it is okay to speak up in a corporate environment.