Stepping into the Green Light - Employee Helps to Further Sustainability at Work and Home
CodeGreen Leader profile – Dawn Favre
Name: Dawn Favre
Property: Harrah’s Phoenix Ak-Chin Casino
Title: Assistant Casino Shift Manager
Years at Property: 10 years
Years as CodeGreen Leader: 3 years
Favorite part of being a CodeGreen Leader: The greatest thing about being a CodeGreen leader is that I get to lead the way for our property. My focus at our property has been to change the culture from being wasteful to one that is now well on its way to be self-sustaining and environmentally aware. I don’t believe in the phrase “it can’t be done.”
Most recent CodeGreen achievement at your property: 2012 was a big year for many CodeGreen efforts. I think our biggest achievement was to place first in our company CodeGreen scorecard – an environmental progress report helping Caesars properties bench march their efforts. Even with the addition of our new hotel tower in July, we still managed to make great strides in reducing our energy consumption.
What does it mean to you to work for a company committed to sustainability: It makes me very proud to say our company strives for excellence in CodeGreen. In the past, the casino industry has been perceived as greedy and wasteful. Knowing the strides we have made to change that perception is encouraging, as others will certainly look to us as role models and follow our lead. Little by little, we can make a difference!
What are your personal sustainability efforts: I am a big recycler at home, and have taught my two boys to be the same. In fact, they show their friends where our recycle bins are when they see things being tossed in the garbage can!
I utilize time-of-use energy schedules, give household goods to charities rather than the dump and ALWAYS use my Caesars Entertainment tote bags when doing my grocery shopping!
Lastly, I have energy star appliances and use CFL bulbs throughout my entire home. Someday, I’d like to invest in solar energy and maybe even start a compositing site.
Any other information you'd like to add: Ask anyone here at Ak-Chin…I am definitely the property CodeGreen cheerleader! Go CodeGreen!