From the Source: Ghana, Child Labor Taints Gold Supply Chain

Human Rights Watch. International gold refiners who use gold from Ghana may be benefitting from hazardous child labor in unlicensed mines, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today on the eve of World Day Against Child Labor, June 12, 2015.
Read More >> This years conflict minerals filings show some improvement, according to early reviewJD Supra. An early review of conflict minerals filings for the 2014 reporting period shows improvement in “detail, clarity and quality,” according to this article in BNA.
Government contracting abroad: beware compliance risksNational Law Review. On June 16, 2015, IAP Worldwide Services Inc., a private defense and government contracting company, agreed to pay $7.1 million to settle criminal charges of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) related to bribing Kuwaiti government officials to secure a Kuwaiti government contract.
House advances chemical safety reform bill, teeing up senate voteThe Huffington Post. The House of Representatives passed legislationTuesday evening that would reform the country's principal chemical safety law, moving Congress one step closer to the first major revision of the law in nearly four decades.
Sustainability reporting: from routine to strategicTriple Pundit. Sustainability reports, impact reports, corporate responsibility updates. Call them what you like. More and more organizations are producing them due to rising demands for transparency and accountability.
Webinar - The Road to A Comprehensive Conflict Minerals Program in 2015:Perspectives from Multi-Industry Program Leaders (July 2, 2015 @ 10 AM PST)
Complimentary webinar. Perspectives, best practices and strategies from multi-industry program leaders on conflict minerals compliance in 2015.
Webinar on Demand - Best Practices for Smelter Disclosures: What Issuers and Non-Issuers Can Learn From Recent CMR'sThis webinar provides critical insight on DFS1502 implications on smelters, smelter reporting formats, best practices, issuers and non-issuers trends, key take-aways, filing practices, lessons learned from recent filings, and benefits to SI's extended internal database of smelter data.
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Webinar on Demand - Emerging Anti-Corruption Regulations: Brazillian Clean Companies Act & Risk Management Systems Approach Watch Now >>