Show Your Lion Pride on World Lion Day
Cause an Uproar with the Big Cats Initiative and celebrate World Lion Day on August 10.
Jul 31, 2014 5:30 PM ET

Show Your Lion Pride on World Lion Day
In celebration of World Lion Day on August 10, National Geographic’s Big Cats Initiative invites you to cause an uproar! Here are some ways to get involved and help save lions and other big cats:
- Join a Twitter chat on August 6 at 12:00 p.m. EST with Big Cats Initiative Co-Founders and National Geographic Explorers-in-Residence Dereck and Beverly Joubert. Be sure to follow @dereckbeverly and @NatGeoLive and use #NatGeoLive to ask questions.
- Help build boma fences. Boma fences are fortified enclosures that protect livestock from lions. These in turn help protect lions and other big cats from retaliatory killings when livestock are killed. You can help build boma fences by starting a campaign or making a direct donation by visiting
- Text “LIONS” to 50555 to donate $10 to on-the-ground conservation through the Big Cats Initiative. Message and data rates apply. Terms and conditions:
- Explore other ways you can take action and help spread the word: Get Involved
And to say thanks for your support from our big cat friends, please enjoy this lion photo gallery and download any of the images as wallpaper.
Get involved with to learn more about big cats and share your love of lions!