Second Issue of "From The Source" Released Today
Supply Chain & Regulated Materials Management Newsletter

In response to requests for a single source "news alert" on key events in supply chain and regulated materials compliance, earlier this month Source Intelligence introduced "From The Source," a direct mail and web-based newsletter written to keep you informed at a glance. This morning they released the second issue.
2014 promises to be an exciting year as the theme of "transparency" and the impact of technology continue to transform the delivery chain of products, impacting every player up and down stream.
The second issue covers seven of the most popular stories going on in the world of supply chain and regulated materials management. Some of the articles covered are how Intel’s ban on conflict minerals wowed National Geographic photographer Marcus Bleasdale. Another on how seven of the world's largest industry associations collaborate with Source Intelligence and Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP to launch a conflict minerals resource center. A third is a description of audit procedures for a conflict minerals audit.
This is your newsletter and it was created to keep you in the know. Source Intelligence wants to know what you want to read about and find out what your top priority is for compliance programs and news alerts in 2014?
Source Intelligence received a lot of feedback on their first newsletter and tailored the content of the second to those requests.
To sign up for the bimonthly distribution of the email and let Source Intelligence know what you want to hear about, message HERE