Sanofi Publishes Its First Integrated Report

Sanofi, a global healthcare leader, just released its very first Integrated Report. This evolution in Sanofi’s reporting is designed to provide a holistic view of the company’s strategic roadmap and its sustainable value creation, performance, and governance, with information covering year 2016. It is a reflection of the company’s vision, linking sustainability performance to business results, and a new communication channel with all its stakeholders.
Through this new report, Sanofi seeks ways of demonstrating its contribution to the major challenges and key issues that must be addressed today, anticipating a shift towards preventive, predictive, personalized and participatory medicine.
The report underlines the healthcare company’s positive progress on its 2020 strategic priorities and its solid financial results during the year, illustrated by concrete results of value creation. It also highlights the strong alignment of its five Global Business Units’ strategies – Diabetes & Cardiovascular, Sanofi Genzyme, Consumer Healthcare, General Medicine & Emerging Markets and Sanofi Pasteur – and of its Global Functions’ strategies with its 2020 roadmap.
This strategic roadmap is completed by a strong CSR ambition – presented in the report – which is based on four pillars: upholding ethics and transparency, contributing to access to healthcare for the underserved, engaging with communities and addressing environmental challenges.
The 2016 Integrated Report highlights Sanofi’s clear and resolute line for action to contribute to the continuous advancement of health and its efforts to meet the health needs of the highest possible number of patients worldwide, as well as its continued effort to reduce its environmental footprint, among other relevant topics. As an example of value creation, Sanofi’s Access to Healthcare programs benefitted more than 241 million people in 90 countries.
This first 2016 Integrated Report has been prepared in accordance with the most widely recognized international standards: it is inspired by the reference framework published by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and complies with the GRI G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (“Core” option).
The report can be downloaded at
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