Sanofi Pasteur Community Engagement Team Building Benefits Local Head Start Students

On January 11, 2018, members of Sanofi Pasteur’s Global Influenza Franchise Team delivered four outdoor cabinets to Pocono Services for Families and Children (PSFC), which oversees Monroe County (Pa.) Head Start. In total, more than 30 Sanofi Pasteur employees built and hand crafted the cabinets, which will be used to store various toys and supplies for outdoor play. Pictured (L-R), employees Kimberly Tutwiler, Vickie Landolfi, Kathy Kaas-Leach, Erik Marshall, and Rosalind Hollingsworth posing behind the hand-made structures. In November and December 2017, Sanofi Pasteur employees donated thousands of items to Monroe County Head Start families in need through company-supported collection drives, and in September, 70 employees volunteered at PSFC’s Mountain Center location through the annual United Way of Monroe County Day of Caring.