RSF Winter Quarterly: What is the Power of Creativity

In the latest issue of the RSF Quarterly, we focus on the importance of the arts as a healing process and its power to transform people and place. Associate Professor at California Institute of Integral Studies Denise Boston expounds on expressive arts as a therapeutic process. Hear from Reed Mayfield on RSF’s commitment to financing arts organizations serving the highest intentions of the human spirit. In Clients in Conversation, Allegra Allesandri, principal of the nation’s first public Waldorf-inspired high school, and Free Columbia co-founder Laura Summer discuss their experience starting new initiatives that defy normal in the realm of arts and education. Also, learn how RSF grantee Creative Action is using murals as a pathway to youth education and civic engagement.
To download an electronic copy of the Quarterly, click here. To receive hard copies of future issues free of charge, click here.