RSF Seeks the Next 25 Social Enterprise Stars

Today we’re excited to launch the Next 25 Social Enterprise Stars campaign to attract a new cohort of extraordinary borrowers.
We’re looking to add 25 social enterprise stars to our loan portfolio over the next year—and we need the help of everyone in our community to find them. You’ll be hearing from us about our search and our newest borrowers here on this blog, on social media, at events, in our newsletter—everywhere.
We know there are exciting enterprises across the U.S. and Canada that could grow with our help, but they may not know about us—and we may not know about them. So we’re asking you—our investors, borrowers, advisors, partners and friends—to be our eyes and ears and send compelling candidates our way. You’ll be expanding your impact, and the enterprises you refer will benefit from working with a pioneering funder that has a true commitment to helping social enterprises succeed.
Why are we doing this now? Our assets have grown 39 percent over the last three years, as more and more investors are putting their money to work for social benefit. That means we’re able to lend to more social enterprises than ever.
Here’s what we’re looking for: established businesses and non-profit organizations that are doing groundbreaking work in food and agriculture, education and the arts, or ecological stewardship—and could significantly expand their impact with a loan of about $200,000 to $5 million. (Our average loan is $800,000.)
To receive a loan from RSF, an enterprise should have these qualifications:
- A social benefit mission in one of RSF’s three focus areas: Food & Agriculture, Education & the Arts, and Ecological Stewardship
- Incorporation in the U.S. or Canada
- Strong collateral (which may include pledge or guarantee communities)
- Excellent history of repayment (both interest and principal) on any existing debt
- Funding needs ranging from $200,000 to $5 million ($100,000+ for arts organizations)
- 3 or more years of operating history
- Operational profit, or a clear path to profitability in 12 months
- Annual revenue of $1 million or more ($500,000 for arts organizations)
Please send candidates that meet the criteria to our Next 25 Social Enterprise Stars page.
Thank you for helping to build the next economy! And please share news of our search through the social media you use—we’re using the hashtag #SocentStars.