RobecoSAM Launches Impact Investing Platform
Environmental Impact Monitoring tool first of several RobecoSAM impact investing solutions

April 1, 2015 /3BL Media/ - RobecoSAM, the investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing (SI), announced the launch of its impact investing offering. RobecoSAM’s Environmental Impact Monitoring tool is the first of a broad suite of impact investing solutions to be released by the Company. The platform will leverage RobecoSAM’s expertise in SI including its proprietary corporate sustainability database, and will cater to institutional investors seeking both societal and financial returns on their investments.
Environmental Impact Monitoring: Quantifying Portfolio Impacts
RobecoSAM’s Environmental Impact Monitoring tool enables investors to quantify, communicate and optimize the environmental impacts of their listed equity and corporate bond portfolios. It measures the impact of investors’ portfolios on a series of tangible environmental indicators and indicates the magnitude of their portfolios’ environmental impact per invested dollar. The key quantitative indicators screened for are: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy consumption, water use and waste generation. The data can subsequently be used to enable investors to make better informed decisions on how to optimize their portfolios in order to maximize the positive or limit the negative environmental impacts of their investments.
Michael Baldinger, CEO, RobecoSAM: “The launch of our impact investing platform reflects RobecoSAM’s commitment to SI and is a response to investors’ increasing interest in investing with social and environmental improvement in mind. With 20 years’ experience in sustainability investing, no one is better positioned to bring a comprehensive impact investing platform to the market than RobecoSAM.”
Daniel Wild, Head of SI Research & Development, RobecoSAM: “Our Environmental Impact Monitoring tool draws on RobecoSAM’s deep sustainability investing expertise and unique corporate sustainability database to measure the environmental impact per invested dollar of investors’ portfolios. We use this information to optimize investors’ listed equity and corporate bond portfolios and achieve positive environmental impact without compromising financial returns.”
Environmental Impact Monitoring Leverages RobecoSAM’s SI Expertise
The Environmental Impact Monitoring tool uses the data collected from RobecoSAM’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) and long-standing experience in analyzing financially relevant environmental data. Based on its CSA, an annual ESG analysis of more than 2,900 listed companies, RobecoSAM has compiled one of the world’s most comprehensive sustainability databases. RobecoSAM’s proprietary research and sustainability insight, gained through its direct contact with companies, serve as the foundation for measuring and monitoring the impacts of listed equity and corporate bond portfolios.
RobecoSAM’s Impact Investing Offering Set to Expand
RobecoSAM plans to introduce a broad suite of impact investing solutions for listed equity portfolios over the course of the year. Anticipated approaches will be based on both quantitative and qualitative metrics and will seek to address the growing demand for the next generation of sustainability investing solutions in different asset classes.
For more information please see RobecoSAM’s Environmental Impact Monitoring brochure.
For any additional inquiries, please contact:
RobecoSAM AG
François Vetri
Head of Corporate Communications
Josefstrasse 218
8005 Zurich / Switzerland
T: +41 44 653 10 02
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About RobecoSAM
Founded in 1995, RobecoSAM is an investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing. It offers asset management, indices, engagement, voting, impact analysis, sustainability assessments, and benchmarking services. Asset management capabilities cater to institutional asset owners and financial intermediaries and cover a range of ESG-integrated investments (in public and private equity), featuring a strong track record in resource efficiency theme strategies. Together with S&P Dow Jones Indices, RobecoSAM publishes the globally recognized Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). Based on its Corporate Sustainability Assessment, an annual ESG analysis of 2,900 listed companies, RobecoSAM has compiled one of the world’s most comprehensive databases of financially material sustainability information.
RobecoSAM is a member of the global pure-play asset manager Robeco, which was established in 1929 and is the center of expertise for asset management within the ORIX Corporation. As a reflection of its own commitment to advocating sustainable investment practices, RobecoSAM is a signatory of the UNPRI and a member of Eurosif, ASrIA and Ceres. Approximately 130 professionals work for RobecoSAM, which is headquartered in Zurich. As of June 30, 2014, RobecoSAM had assets under management, advice and/or license in listed and private equity* of approximately USD 10.7 billion. Additionally, RobecoSAM’s Governance & Active Ownership team** had USD 85.1 billion of assets under engagement and USD 53 billion of assets under voting.
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