Republic Services: Safety is the Priority

Safety is the foundation of Republic Services’ business, and the cornerstone upon which the Company’s initiatives and programs are built. Day-in and day-out, Republic keeps safety top-of-mind, providing peace of mind to customers and employees alike.
Together for Safer Roads
As the operator of the 8th largest vocational fleet in the country, with an industry leading safety record, Republic Services has a direct effect on roadway safety each day. While their strong safety performance is significant in the communities they serve, they aspire for more.
Republic Services is proud to be the only recycling and waste services provider associated with Together for Safer Roads. This innovative coalition brings together global private sector companies across industries to collaborate on improving road safety and reducing deaths and injuries caused by road traffic crashes. The Coalition’s mission to provide guidelines and processes to keep employees, partners and contractors safe on the road closely aligns with Republic’s continuous work in fostering an environment that provides ongoing road safety education. To demonstrate Republic’s support, their drivers placed new decals on their trucks, heightening the expectation that all Republic vehicles continuously exhibit safe and courteous driving.
For more information about safety at Republic Services, go to page 34 of the recently-released 2015 Sustainability Report at: