Recognizing Companies that Lead the Way on Societal Investment
Applications Now Available: 2015 CECP Excellence Awards

New York, NY, April 2, 2014 /3BL Media/ - CECP, a coalition of150 CEOs united in the belief that societal improvement is an essential measure of business performance, launched the applications for its 2015 Excellence Awards. These awards provide a platform for companies to tell the story of how they are addressing societal challenges through business, which CEOs at the Board of Boards CEO Roundtable reported as a priority if they are to accelerate progress towards community engagement goals.
The application deadline is June 30, 2015 at 11:59 PM EDT. CECP encourages large companies --not only CECP-affiliated companies--and nonprofits engaged in a transformative partnership with a company to apply for this recognition.
“CECP holds up the Excellence Awards winners in front of their peers and the world as leaders in making significant positive impact on the communities they touch,” stated Daryl Brewster, CEO, CECP. “The Pillars of Excellence that influence the selection of the award winners transcend this application process and guide everything that leading companies and CECP prioritize: CEO leadership, partnership, measurement, and innovation.”
Winning programs are added to a distinguished roster of companies that take part in an ongoing awareness building effort on their behalf by CECP. Through conference presentations, media, videos, images, social media, webinars, and more, CECP taps the storytelling that emerges from winning programs to make corporate societal engagement come to life. The awards process, from start to finish, allows companies to strengthen that story and share it among a wider audience.
The award categories include:
- Chairman’s Award for companies with revenues greater than or equal to US $20 billion
- President’s Award for companies with revenues between US $ 2 billion and less than US $20 billion
- Directors’ Award for partnerships between a corporation and a nonprofit
- Charles H. Moore Award for Leadership in Corporate Community Engagement for individuals who demonstrate perseverance in the pursuit of societal advancement
The 2014 Excellence Awards were presented to Cargill for its work with CARE on the Rural Development Initiative and PG&E Corporation for its work with Habitat for Humanity at the 2014 Board of Boards CEO Roundtable. The corporate-nonprofit and giving officer awards will be presented at the CECP Summit in May. Past Excellence Awards winners include IBM, The Mosaic Company, Kraft Foods, Xylem Inc., Good360 in partnership with The Home Depot, Donors in partnership with Crate and Barrel, and more.
Presented annually at CECP convenings in front of an audience of corporate peers since 2000, these awards are juried by an external Selection Committee comprised of representatives from corporate, nonprofit, consulting, media and academic communities.
To receive the award and demonstrate executive leadership, the highest ranking official at the organization is required to accept it in person. The recipient of the Charlie Moore Award must receive the award in person, as well.
To learn more about the awards:
- Watch videos from winning teams.
- View the video from the 2013 Awards panel to hear directly from awards winners on what made their applications stand out.
- View a PPT on the Award application process, which provides helpful tips and insights into the application process.
Additional assistance can be provided by contacting Jen Chen at (212) 825-2128 or emailing
About CECP
CECP is a coalition of 150 CEOs united in the belief that societal improvement is an essential measure of business performance. Founded in 1999, CECP has grown into a movement of 150 CEOs of the world’s largest companies across all industries. Revenues of engaged companies sum to $7 trillion annually. A nonprofit organization, CECP offers participating companies one-on-one consultation, networking events, exclusive data, media support, and case studies on corporate engagement.
About the Excellence Awards
CECP has presented Excellence Awards annually to more than 25 leading companies and non-profit partners since 2000, creating a vast collection of business case studies for being a force for good in the community. The roster of Excellence Awards winners provides models for companies and nonprofits to elevate their societal engagement, using the Standards of Excellence: CEO Leadership, Collaboration, Measurement, and Innovation.