The Ray C. Anderson Foundation Funds Fellowship to Accelerate Climate Solutions via Paul Hawken’s Project Drawdown
The Ray C. Anderson Foundation has awarded $100,000 to Project Drawdown

June 4, 2015 /3BL Media/ - The Ray C. Anderson Foundation has awarded $100,000 to Project Drawdown to fund the Ray C. Anderson Fellowship. The Fellowship is designed to foster the development of a new cohort of global leaders (scholars, scientists, entrepreneurs, and advocates) who will analyze the best available research on one hundred of the most substantive and readily available climate mitigation solutions. The first class of fellows has just been named.
“The Ray C. Anderson Fellows come from around the world, world and all are completing or currently hold advanced degrees from world-class universities,” said Project Drawdown Founder Paul Hawken, in announcing the new class of fellows. “The Fellows include university lecturers, peer-reviewed authors, rural development workers, founders of NGOs, winners of prestigious prizes, policy wonks, scientists, entrepreneurs and agricultural specialists. They are, in short, an extraordinary group of emerging leaders who are dedicating their lives to transforming the relationship between human and living systems.”
The comprehensive range of solutions being analyzed by Project Drawdown includes familiar technological solutions such as renewables and energy efficiency; social solutions including girl’s education; and ecological solutions such as carbon farming that restores the soil by bio-sequestering carbon. Project Drawdown’s solutions aim to solve a host of real world problems by creating employment, fomenting innovation, improving public health, protecting the environment, and increasing food security.
The Ray C. Anderson Fellows will be studying scalable solutions including micro wind turbines, biomass gasification, carbon farming, agroforestry, wave/tidal energy, vehicular energy storage, and others.
About Project Drawdown
The work of Project Drawdown will be presented and disseminated in books (in several languages), an open-source database and an interactive digital platform. The goal is to better educate those who do yet understand the implications related to climate change and to significantly increase support for climate action and policies by illustrating the many solutions that already exist.
About The Ray C. Anderson Foundation
The Ray C. Anderson Foundation is keeping the voice and vision of pioneering entrepreneur and radical industrialist Ray Anderson alive through programs and grant making focused on building a healthy, sustainable world for future generations. Here is a link to the Foundation’s Gray Notes video: