Ray C. Anderson Foundation Blog: Ecocentricity - July
Jul 2, 2014 10:00 AM ET
Ecocentricity Blog

Ray C. Anderson Foundation Blog: Ecocentricity - July
I cried on Monday, June 9th. Not much, a few small tears was all. I valued them though, physical manifestations of emotion I was glad to have felt. And it was all because of a flower and a tree.
Maybe you've picked up on my writing style by now. Casually flippant, winding far and wide to eventually double back on a point of some sort. Maybe I'll have lost you by the time I get around to making the point, but I hope not. For this post though, I'm going to be more direct. The reason for my Monday tears deserves as much.
On that dreary morning, I stood at The National September 11 Memorial in Manhattan, the memorial for the victims of the 1993 and 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. In place of the fallen towers reside two large, four-sided waterfalls pouring down into collecting pools - tears themselves shed continuously for the memory of those lost.
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