Quest for Health Equity Teams Up With the American Heart Association To Help Indigenous People Through Community-Based Health Centers
Native Americans experience disproportionately high rates of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, disparities that the American Heart Association (AHA) is committed to address. Since 2021, the Quest Diagnostics Foundation has supported the AHA’s commitment to addressing these health disparities in indigenous communities by helping to provide hypertension and COVID-19 resources to be used at Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in Oklahoma, California, Minnesota, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin.
FQHCs provide resources on healthy eating, exercise, high blood pressure, and more to indigenous people. The AHA, through a grant from the Quest Diagnostics Foundation, launched a new initiative in 2021 to help provide evidence-based high blood pressure resources to FQHCs that serve under-resourced communities most severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including 5 serving Native Americans:
Ignace Indian Health Center, Milwaukee
Native American Community Clinic, Minneapolis
Oklahoma City Indian Clinic, Oklahoma City
Urban Indian Center of Salt Lake, Salt Lake City
San Diego American Indian Health Center, San Diego
Check out the AHA’s video, “Addressing Health Disparities at the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic,” to learn more about how the AHA and Quest are making an impact through this joint effort: Addressing Health Disparities at the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic