Put A Price On Carbon

Business & Government Leaders Are Standing Up for Carbon Pricing
Business & Government Leaders Are Standing Up for Carbon Pricing
A growing number of business and Government leaders are standing up in support of a price on carbon as an effective way to incentivize low-carbon growth and lower greenhouse gas emissions that are driving climate change.
They understand the power that a strong, consistent economic signal can have in shifting investment toward clean energy and low-carbon growth, and they are encouraging others in business and Government to join them.
Get Involved
Two separate initiatives representing a progression of commitments to support carbon pricing will be presented during the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Summit on 23 September 2014:
Companies: Become a Carbon Pricing Leader
Caring for Climate seeks to mobilize a critical mass of companies around the world to demonstrate leadership on climate action. Businesses can show advanced leadership on carbon pricing by committing to the Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing.
The criteria comprise three overlapping dimensions: Leaders who sign up to the criteria agree to (1) set an internal carbon price high enough to materially affect investment decisions to drive down greenhouse gas emissions; (2) publicly advocate the importance of carbon pricing through policy mechanisms that take into account country specific economies and policy contexts; and (3) communicate on progress over time on those criteria in public corporate reports.
The criteria were created by the UN Global Compact together with UNEP, UNFCCC secretariat, the Climate Group, UN Foundation, and CDP.
Express Your Support for Carbon Pricing
Businesses, Governments and organizations can express support for carbon pricing by adding their names to the Put a Price on Carbon statement through the World Bank. By supporting this multi-stakeholder statement, groups pledge to work toward developing and strengthening carbon pricing policies. The effort is coordinated by the World Bank, with partners including the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group, the UN Global Compact, the International Emissions Trading Association, the World Economic Forum, the World Business Council on Sustainable Development, CDP, and the We Mean Business Coalition. To date, more than 250 companies and 30 governments have shown their support and joined the call for action. Visit the World Bank website to join.
To learn more about these initiatives and the UN Private Sector Forum, visit:
Caring for Climate – Business Leadership Criteria
World Bank – Putting a Price on Carbon statement