Positive Stakeholder Relationships Build Trust and Business Value

Positive stakeholder relationships build trust and business value
A group of studies examined in our recent Research Briefs show that stakeholder engagement delivers multiple benefits to business. Positive stakeholder engagements are shown to have a positive effect not only on those directly engaged but also on other groups of stakeholders who observe the engagement.[1]
This research aligns with findings from prior studies, which suggest that expectations of firms among stakeholders in their home communities extend to their global operations. Regardless of the expectations of stakeholders abroad, stakeholders at home expect companies to treat all of their arenas of operation with consistent care – and they will punish companies who do not meet their expectations[2].
Executives surveyed for the Center’s State of Corporate Citizenship 2012 report understand the importance of stakeholder relationships. They identify engagement with stakeholders among the areas most important to the success of corporate citizenship programs.