Pilita’s Story: How ScottsMiracle-Gro Associates Help Each Other in Times of Need
Associate Support Fund raised $82,000 in 2018

It started with a phone call
A phone call from Pilita’s son changed both their lives in 2015. He was serving in the U.S. Air Force overseas and was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. He was rushed back to the States to his home base in Idaho in order to begin cancer treatments immediately.
Pilita wanted to be with her son, but she was 2,000 miles away. “A plane ticket to Idaho is a big, unexpected expense,” she says. “I was worried about the cost, but I just had to get there.”
She received a helping hand
That’s when a good friend at work reminded Pilita about ScottsMiracle-Gro’s Associate Support Fund “Green for Jeans,” which provides financial support to associates in need.
Associate Support Fund
When ScottsMiracle-Gro associates need a helping hand, they often find their fellow associates providing it. The ScottsMiracle-Gro Associate Board set up a pooled donation fund in 2007 to help associates support one another with challenges, such as family emergencies, unexpected medical bills and personal and financial hardship. Contributed entirely by our associates, this fund has raised more than $330,000.
Learn more about ScottsMiracle-Gro’s Associate Support Fund by viewing the most recent Corporate Responsibility report here.