Picking Up The Pieces: Jeff Kirschner

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Anyone who is on social media knows how often you can be inundated with picayune details of your friends’ daily lives. But what if all that over-sharing could be turned into something productive and beneficial? What if, instead of just being a source of information on what your high school friend had for lunch today, or how great your niece’s new shoes look, social media could work to create a buzz around something really important, like picking up litter?
Today’s guest on Sea Change Radio, Jeff Kirschner, has figured out how to harness the over-sharing tendency of social media users to help us all clean up our act. The new platform Litterati enables everyone with a smart-phone to find litter, pick it up, and deposit it not only into a trash receptacle but into a data repository with a multitude of uses. Kirschner explains how this platform is generating a mountain of detailed data about litter, creating a mechanism for crowdsourced pressure on corporations, and inspiring people of all ages to be better stewards of our planet.