Overstock.com “Closes the Loop” on Clothing with Online Donation Bin

In-store clothing recycling bins are an obvious option for brick and mortar retailers – giving consumers an easy way to donate items instead of throwing them in the trash, while allowing companies to address end-of-life waste. What started with Marks & Spencer’s pioneering “Shwopping” campaign has now become the latest trend in CSR activations, with brands like H&M, American Eagle and Madewell jumping on board to “close the loop” on clothing.
Now, Overstock.com is offering its own version of the “clothing donation bin,” giving consumers an easy way to donate items without even leaving their homes. The online retailer recently partnered with Give Back Box to turn mailers into donation vehicles. Consumers who purchase items on Overstock.com will now find a pre-paid shipping label included in each box, allowing them to re-use the box and ship unwanted clothing items directly to Goodwill.
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