Northwest Harvest Joins Safeway and Albertsons for Food Bank Donations

Jan 29, 2019 9:30 AM ET

Northwest Harvest joins Safeway and Albertsons for food bank donations

Originally posted on Q13 Fox

Northwest Harvest partnered with area Safeway and Albertsons stores to collect groceries for local food banks who saw an increased demand during the government shutdown.

Donation bins were set up inside Washington area Safeway and Albertsons stores for shoppers to donate non-perishable foods items.  The collected Items were distributed to valley food banks and pantries who saw shelves empty during the 35 day shutdown.

“Right now, more than a million people in our state are being negatively impacted. And each day the shutdown continues – even more are added to that list,” said Sara Osborne, Safeway’s Public & Government Affairs Director. “Because of this, local food banks – the final safety net when public assistance programs run out of funding – are seeing dramatic increases in demand.”

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