Nestlé Leading the Industry in Nutrition and Health Research

Nestlé has the world’s largest private food and nutrition research and development network in the industry—rapidly innovating conventional and medical foods, beverages and services to meet nutrition, health and wellness needs. We have 39 Research and Development Centers, and Product Technology Centers, around the world. Nestlé Product Technology Centers develop innovative technologies and manufacturing processes that are the basis of new product development, and we apply these technologies in our operations.
Our R&D centers have both a global role and local role. They meet regional needs and provide technical expertise in specific areas such as beverage system technology. In 2015, we invested $1.7 billion globally in research and development, predominantly for food and beverage businesses, and filed 292 patents, 61 of which were filed here in the U.S. Our R&D centers across the United States are helping Nestlé respond to the growing diversity and nuances of food preferences, and guiding our progress toward delivering better nutrition for current and future generations.
Read more stories from the 2015 Creating Shared Value Report