Napanee Generating Station Demonstrates TransCanada's Strategic Priorities in Action

TransCanada’s $1.2 billion Napanee Generating Station (NGS), a 900-MW, combined cycle, natural gas-fuelled electricity generating station located in the Town of Greater Napanee in Eastern Ontario, will begin construction in 2015.
Extensive environmental studies covering air quality, noise, human health, terrestrial and aquatic environments, archeological and heritage resources, and socio-economics concluded that NGS will have little or no effect on the environment and surrounding community, both during construction and operation.
NGS will use the latest in generating and environmental controls technology, including dry low NOx burners and a selective catalytic reduction system which will make it one of the most efficient and cleanest generating stations in Ontario.
The NGS will be an essential component of Ontario’s electrical system, delivering on-demand power to address rising electricity demand, replace retired coal, help manage changes in nuclear capacity due to planned refurbishments/retirements and provide a source of power to backstop intermittent wind and solar generation.
Learn more about TransCanada’s financial performance in the economy section of the 2014 CSR Report.