My Quest Story - Malissa Mueller

Almost two years ago, my husband was looking at job alert emails that were sent to him. He drives a truck and had already transitioned to a different role, but he saw the Quest Logistics opening and thought that it would be a great fit for me.
At that time, I was working in corrections for many years and wanted to try something different. Sometimes you can feel stuck in one area, and I was ready to make a change. The rest is history.
What I love most about this role is the independence. When you spend years where all you see are walls and bars every day, being in the open air is freeing.
I know how important the job is for patients, and I’m excited to work with people who are professional and knowledgeable. I’m responsible for my route and take the time to try to do my best every day. Our Logistics team is helping behind the scenes, and I’ve learned how important we are in patient care.
I enjoy the fact that there are so many opportunities and great people at Quest. There are people I work with who have been here so long and share their knowledge. There’s a security here that I could call anyone, at any time, and they would help me. I found all those things at Quest.
I drive between two hubs—Longview, Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana—and I help coordinate potlucks at each location. I like making Southern comfort food. Cooking is one of my love languages, and I get to share that with the wonderful people I work with.