Michael Cuddyer Announces Home Runs for Humanity Challenge
Michael Cuddyer will donate $250 to Montero Medical Missions for each home run he hits in 2015 and invites fans to join the cause.
The Mets left fielder, a member of the Montero Medical Mission’s international advisory board, announced the initiative at a fundraising event this past fall.
Located in Norfolk, Va., Montero Medical Missions is a faith-based and interfaith humanitarian organization “committed to recruiting expatriate physicians and allied health professionals in the United States to get involved in medical missions, create sustainable projects and share medical knowledge in their respective countries of origin.”
Proceeds from Home Runs for Humanity will be used to help create sustainable eyesight, prosthesis and dental care projects through partnerships with Rotarians and Lions organizations and Physicians for Peace — one of the Players Trust’s international partners.
In Virginia, Montero Medical Missions also produces a quarterly Health Fair For Veterans to assist them in their healthcare needs.
Cuddyer invites fans and friends to pledge $1-$250 for each home run he hits, as well.
“We feel that that’s a good amount to try and get our community businesses and corporations to match with us,” Cuddyer said.
For more information on Montero Medical Missions please visit http://www.monteromedicalmissions.org/