Mentors Help Youth Reach Their Potential
Boys and Girls Clubs/Big Brothers Big Sisters Create #8000mentors Campaign with Government and Corporate Support

Supporting those in need
At age 17, Christopher – a treaty member of the Muskowekwan First Nation – experienced a series of events that would change his life forever. After suffering through a childhood of abuse and instability, he found a new path through life thanks to the Boys & Girls Clubs, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton and Area (BGCBigs) Youth in Care mentorship program.
“I was kicked out of my home because of my sexual orientation and left homeless for a couple of months, until I was accepted into the Inner City Youth Housing Project,” says Chris. “Eventually I made my way into the BGCBigs Youth in Care program where I received support from my peers, group mentors and my individual mentor.”
TransCanada has been involved with Boys & Girls Clubs and Big Brothers Big Sisters in North America for more than 15 years. In Alberta, specifically, we have focused the last six years of our support on positive outcomes for Edmonton’s African families through the BGCBigs Africa Centre Ethno-Cultural Mentoring Program. This year, we are pleased to expand our support for BGCBigs across Alberta and promote the importance of mentorship...
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