Meet Peter Mutschler, EHS Director for CHS Inc.

This month, we introduce you to Peter Mutschler, EHS Director for CHS Inc., one of the members who helps make our network so unique.
Why did you join NAEM?
I joined NAEM to develop my knowledge of management systems and the executive’s role in EHS issues. I have spent a lot of years focusing on my own operations, and it is time to share and learn from others in the field.
What are you currently working on?
Multiple projects. Motivating and evaluating resources to make sure we have the right people in the right place and they are performing to the best of their ability. Projects that are particularly interesting to me are: improving our risk assessment system, improved benchmarking (scorecards), risk-based program cost allocation systems, and effective EHS management systems.
What is your biggest challenge in your current role?
Making sure all resources are focused on doing the right thing and making sure that is making a difference in protecting the employees and communities we work in.
What advice would you have for someone entering the field today?
Keep an open mind. I see way to many young EHS professionals coming into the field with outdated knowledge. Also, take the time to get to know the business you are working on. Knowing why things are done the way they are is a great way to start improving them.
What advice would you have for someone entering the field today?
Keep an open mind. I see way to many young EHS professionals coming into the field with outdated knowledge. Also, take the time to get to know the business you are working on. Knowing why things are done the way they are is a great way to start improving them.
What aspect to the natural world/environment impresses you the most? Why?
I am always amazed a different land formations, particularly the Grand Canyon because of the forces it took to shape them.
What do you like to do during your free time?
I like to watch a good soccer game.