Meet HARMAN Engineer Kelly; Navigating the World of Engineering With Empathy

In her journey marked by technical excellence, Kelly exemplifies how empathy can drive innovation and success in an industry where precision and efficiency are paramount.
Sep 5, 2024 11:10 AM ET

Originally published on Life at HARMAN

The Role and Responsibilities

Kelly has been with HARMAN for two years and leads the North American Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) lab. The lab specializes in hardware validation testing of electronic products such as amplifiers and head units. Kelly's leadership philosophy centers around empathy, a quality she believes is often underestimated. "Sometimes empathy is overlooked as a leadership strength—but I'm here to challenge that," Kelly asserts. Leading a team of 10, she ensures the lab runs smoothly and efficiently and that the electrical components inside vehicles function as intended. This requires technical expertise, coordination, collaboration, and a deep understanding of her team members' needs and motivations.

The Power of Emotions

Kelly believes being aware and mindful of emotions is crucial for fostering innovation and problem-solving in tech. "Acknowledging emotions allows people to be as creative and open as possible and to think of solutions that may not be obvious." She strives to create an environment where her team feels safe and comfortable, allowing them to thrive rather than just get the job done. This approach encourages creativity and helps overcome roadblocks by fostering a sense of connection and collaboration.

Doubt is Part of Being Successful​

One of Kelly's standout moments at HARMAN was her first meeting as the lead EMC engineer. Tasked with presenting validation results to a customer and negotiating deviations for anomalies observed during testing, Kelly faced skepticism about her ability to lead. She successfully led the meeting through careful preparation and coaching, building her confidence and establishing a strong working relationship with the customer. This experience was pivotal in her development as an engineer and a leader, reinforcing her ability to handle complex technical challenges and negotiations.

Advice for Aspiring Engineers

If you ask Kelly, she will tell you to "Stay hungry for knowledge. If there's something you're curious about, explore it by asking colleagues or managers or conducting your research." Moreover, she emphasizes the importance of networking with a diverse range of professionals, not just within one's immediate circle. "You never know when a relationship can lead to your next career opportunity."

Life Outside of Work

Balancing a demanding career and family life, Kelly often finds herself playing the roles of Uber driver and cheerleader for her kids' extracurricular activities. Whether shuttling them to gymnastics or basketball practice, helping with homework, or cheering them on at competitions, Kelly brings the same dedication and empathy to her family that she does to her work. "It's all about finding solutions and keeping everything running like a machine," she confesses.  

Kelly's journey at HARMAN shows that empathy and leadership are not antithetic concepts but complementary realities. Her ability to balance technical acumen with emotional intelligence sets her apart as a leader in the automotive industry. Whether guiding her team through a technical challenge or supporting her kids through their activities, Kelly's empathetic approach ensures that everyone around her feels valued and empowered.​

In a field that often prioritizes hard skills, Kelly's story powerfully reminds us that empathy and human connection are just as critical for innovation and success.

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