Making Every Day Mandela Day
How Symantec Employees across the Globe are Taking Action and Inspiring Change

“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.”
Can you spare 67 minutes of your time helping others?
That is the question posed by International Mandela Day, a day of celebration honoring the many ways Nelson Mandela gave back to his community and world. Created in 2009 and celebrated each year on July 18th, the former South African President’s birthday, the day asks that everyone give 67 minutes of their time in service to others, signifying the 67-plus years that the former South African President spent dedicated to promoting a culture of peace and freedom, and helping our world in so many ways.
Across Symantec, we are doing this every day thanks to thousands of active volunteers across our company and global operations. Last year alone Symantec employees across the globe collectively logged over 31,800 volunteer hours, a 23 percent increase over the previous year.
Continue reading on Symantec CR in Action.