Lockheed Martin Reports First Year of Progress Toward New Sustainability Goals

In late 2015, we reassessed our priority sustainability issues based on Lockheed Martin’s evolving business portfolio and highly dynamic environment. Beginning in 2016, we focus on five core sustainability issues made up of 23 factors. Our sustainability factors have two tiers of priorities: Tier 1 performance factors where we seek to accelerate progress by setting targets for 2017 and 2020; and Tier 2 factors that we will advance through continued management and disclosure, without setting new SMP goals.
In 2016, Lockheed Martin made great progress toward our goals, for example:
Product portfolio highlights:
· Signing our first contract for the purchase of LMH-1 Hybrid Airships, a helium airship with an engine that exerts only one-tenth the power and emissions of an airplane.
· Selling $2.47 billion in products that benefit energy and infrastructure resiliency.
Business operations highlights:
· Continuing to use resources efficiently; since 2010, Lockheed Martin has reduced energy use by 21 percent, water use by 24 percent and carbon emissions by 29 percent.
· Enabling energy savings of about 1.5 billion kWh for our customers, avoiding emissions of 1.1 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtC2O).
Read more about our approach to sustainability in our 2016 Sustainability Report.