The List: 7 Beauty Products You Can Make at Home
All-natural and eco-friendly beauty products can be made at home.

Posted on Recyclebank's Live Green Blog
When I wrote about six groceries you can make at home, I was pleasantly surprised that a couple of Recyclebank members commented that they also make their own beauty products at home. It led me to thinking of the many homemade beauty products you can make at home, many of which are made with ingredients that are right in your kitchen.
What’s the advantage to making your own? For one thing, you can ensure that the ingredients are completely natural and free of harmful chemicals, which is good for your skin and hair, and also better for the environment. You’re also eliminating the need for packaging, much of which is difficult or impossible to recycle. And finally, you’re saving untold resources, materials, and energy used to manufacture and transport the products to the store. You can even reuse and repurpose old containers, such as jars, bottles, and empty makeup containers, to store them.
Head to the kitchen to try making some of these all-natural beauty products.