Lilly: A Collective Impact Approach to Global Partnerships

A Collective Impact Approach to Global Partnerships
Today's guest blog comes from Lilly's Vice President of Global Health Programs, Evan Lee, M.D.
Marcia Conner has a great piece in Fast Company about changing the world. She argues that the best way to effect change is to combine personal responsibility with collective impact, in which people unite behind principles to achieve systemic reform. This struck a chord because it applies to one of the biggest global health challenges today: non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes and cancer.
To set the stage, the UN is driving a high-level initiative to tackle NCDs, which together claim about 12 million lives and cost $500 billion in lost productivity each year. And the World Health Organization (WHO) is coordinating efforts among the many public and private actors scaling up treatment, prevention and R&D efforts.