Last Chance for Complimentary Webinar Registration - Best Practices for Conflict Minerals RY 2014

Last Chance for Complimentary Webinar Registration - Best Practices for Conflic…
With increasing pressure from NGO's for companies to go beyond the surface of their conflict minerals reporting, ensuring traceability and transparency in supply chains has become a competitive advantage for many U.S. companies.
Don’t miss your chance to register for an upcoming Source Intelligence (SI) webinar that will cover best practices for Conflict Minerals Reporting Year 2014, and give critical insight on how companies can ensure responsible sourcing.
The webinar, Best Practices for Smelter Disclosures – What Issuers & Non Issuers Can Learn From Recent CMR’s, will be held on April 30th, 2015 at 10 AM PST/1 PM EST. As the conflict minerals deadline quickly approaches, information on best practices for disclosing smelter and refiner information is in high demand from companies preparing their conflict minerals reports.
Specifically, the webinar will include topics on:
-Dodd Frank Section 1502 implications on smelters
-Smelter reporting formats and reporting methodologies
-Company trends regarding the upcoming conflict minerals filings
-Issuers & Non Issuers trends, key take-away’s, and filing practices
-Lessons learned and best practices for RY 2014
-Benefits to SI’s database of smelter data
SI encourages companies to attend this webinar to learn from experts Elizabeth Martin and Keith McCann on best practices for smelter disclosures on your Conflict Minerals Report. Reserve your spot here.