Kohler Believing In Better Blog: Kohler China Associates Explore UnAmazing Waste
Aug 12, 2014 11:15 AM ET
Believing In Better Blog

Kohler Believing In Better Blog
While waste is inherently unamazing, we can do some pretty amazing things with it to make the world a better place. (Take this, this and this, for example.) But the ideas themselves don’t just rise up out of the dumpster. Enter: our amazing, inspired associates.
Most recently, associates in our Shanghai office wasted no time donning their (metaphorical) thinking caps and putting their sustainability knowledge to the test as part of the weeklong unAmazing Waste competition. The friendly contest challenged associates to identify company-produced wastes and to brainstorm ways to avoid sending them to the landfill.
The competition’s been done in North America, and there are plans to roll it out in other China and Asia Pacific plants, too.
What we’ve found? The landfill has nothing on a collective group of inspired people who are believing in better.
Read more about Believing In Better here.
Mirjam Lippuner
920-457-4441, ext. 71125