Kimberly-Clark Foundation Gives $2.5 Million to Accelerate Red Cross COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 is having the largest impact on the poor and displaced, who have few resources to cope with disease or the global economic downturn.
To aid humanitarian relief in the US and around the world, the Kimberly-Clark Foundation donated $2.5 million to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the American Red Cross. The international network of 14 million volunteers has mobilized to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, provide basic aid and deliver lifesaving information to people in desperate need.
“It’s important to us to support those working on the front lines of this global health crisis,” said Jenny Lewis, vice president of Kimberly-Clark Foundation. “As the virus spreads to nearly every country on Earth, we must accelerate the delivery of care to those who are most vulnerable.”
Kimberly-Clark Foundation is the philanthropic arm of international consumer goods manufacturer Kimberly-Clark Corp., whose brands include Cottonelle, Depend, Huggies, Kotex and Scott. In addition to financial support, the company has made product donations via the Red Cross to communities around the world.
“The American Red Cross is grateful for partners like Kimberly-Clark for stepping up during this difficult and uncertain time,” said Koby Langley, senior vice president of International Services for the American Red Cross. “Kimberly-Clark’s contribution supports the global Red Cross and Red Crescent network’s efforts to slow the spread of this disease and alleviate suffering that the pandemic will cause. We are deeply grateful for their generous support during this challenging time.”
In addition, the company’s Kotex brand is partnering with the Red Cross to distribute 1.3 million Kotex products to nurses, healthcare workers, and people in need across Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay.
To learn more about Kimberly-Clark’s response, visit