JK Group CEO Shares Thoughts on Corporate Giving on DriveThruHR Internet Radio Show

JK Group CEO Shares Thoughts on Corporate Giving on DriveThruHR Internet Radio …
As the world continues to emerge from the global recession, business is improving, employers are hiring, and more companies have expanded, or launched, their corporate social responsibility programs. Not only do such programs enable companies to help their communities and provide assistance to those in need, but they have also proven to enhance the company brand and improve employee engagement and retention.
During his appearance last week on the DriveThruHR internet radio show, JK Group’s CEO, Bob Farina, explored the benefits of robust corporate giving programs in depth. The conversation covered a broad range of topics, from using social media to amplify the company’s philanthropic efforts, to the impact of such programs when attracting millennials who increasingly want to work for a company that shares their values and shows its commitment to improving the world.
Farina also offered proven strategies for companies that have yet to implement a giving program and overcome the biggest hurdle – getting started. For instance, asking employees directly about the causes or organizations most important to them will enable the team to feel involved and engaged right from the beginning, and ensure the success of the giving program.
The entire interview, complete with more of Farina’s expert insights on corporate giving, can be accessed at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/drivethruhr/2014/03/06/bob-farina-at-lunch-with-drivethruhr.