Jamie Bonini Teaches Toyota System to Improve Efficiency

Original article by Frank Witsil on Detroit Free Press
Considering that we are writing about an efficiency expert, we’ll get right to the point.
The winner of this year’s Free Press Automotive Leadership Award for labor & manufacturing, Jamie Bonini heads the Toyota Production System Support Center in Erlanger, Ky. The 51-year-old teaches the widely praised and replicated Toyota Production System to help nonprofit organizations with disaster relief projects and manufacturing companies in North America to be more competitive.
That’s pretty much the story right there.
The rest of it — what Bonini’s team would call muda (Japanese for waste) — is what makes Bonini, and life in general, more interesting, more human and sparks creative ideas that lead to improvements.
Bonini tries to make things run better.
Continue reading the original article about Toyota's Jamie Bonini on Detroit Free Press >>
Original source Detroit Free Press.