Intel Joins Fight Against Conflict Minerals, Despite Legal Attacks

On Monday the mega electronic brand Intel came forth and announced that all manufactured processors will now be Conflict-Free. The statement from CEO Brian Krzanich during the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) came at an ideal time as the reporting deadline for Conflict Minerals law Dodd-Frank WallStreet Reform and Consumer Protection SEC 1502 Act is nearing. Krzanich reassured his consumers in a public speech that Intel is enacting their Due Diligence in support of mitigating the conflict in Africa. “The solution isn’t easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is” he expressed.
Ironically following on Tuesday massive corporations came together before three judges and urged that the U.S. law be reconsidered. The companies protested that the SEC ruling is an infringement on free speech and will drive finances into a hole attempting to reach compliance. The due date falls on May 31, 2014 and requires all publicly traded U.S. companies to report whether or not Conflict Minerals otherwise known as 3TG’s (Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, and Gold) reside in their supply chains, and if so to mitigate all use.
The growing conflict in Africa has escalated due to the mass consumption and exportation of minerals. The mineral trade in East Africa has been monopolized by militias and continues to grow in numbers by the millions. The U.S. federal law requires all publicly traded companies to report whether 3TG’s reside in their supply chains and if so to mitigate any trace of the minerals.
Conducting corporate due diligence and addressing the responsibility of outsourcing raw materials from regions of conflict is what non-profit organization, Raise Hope for Congo advocates. The NGO has put together a recent list of rankings for electronic companies that are enacting social responsibility like Intel and becoming Conflict-Free. It also addresses corporations who have not been compliant with the law and have ceased to enact due diligence. Large corporations, Intel, HP and Philips ranked as the highest for being transparent in their supply chains, with major brand names such as Canon, Nikon and Nintendo failing to support clean mineral trade. Details of Raise Hope for Congo’s company ranking list can be found here:
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By: Jahara Singh