Increasing Our Impact: Financial Education Through a Diversity Lens
Guest Blog by Shannon Schuyler, PwC Principal and CR Leader

Innovation is the watchword in business. In a recent survey by PwC, business leaders said that growth depends on being ready to rethink everything from products and services to business and operating models. This holds true for corporate responsibility (CR) as well. A company fully committed to making a real difference through CR needs to invest time and resources to frequently reassess the progress and success of its programs. As with any business initiative, this effort is important not only during a downturn, but also when things are going well.
Like our businesses, our communities face challenges from the “megatrends” that are rapidly transforming our world. Massive demographic shifts, including accelerating urbanization, pressure from aging populations on social programs and jobs, and the talent gap make new thinking about CR more important than ever. Brainstorming and continuous evolution are essential to the fresh, energized and relevant CR initiatives that communities need in today’s dynamic environment.
Viewing CR efforts through the lens of diversity, including socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, religious, and gender differences, is key to effective CR. At a recent CR conference, representatives from under-served minority and immigrant groups stated the two most important CR activities a business can champion are community reinvestment and supporting the development of minority civic leaders and community organizers. By committing to responsible practices that combine social impact and community involvement with a diverse range of people, businesses can invest their time, talent and resources in sustainable change with measurable, durable results.
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Shannon Schuyler is a Principal and CR Leader at PwC, as well as a member of PwC’s Global CR Board and an Officer of the Board of the PwC Charitable Foundation, Inc. To learn more about PwC’s Earn Your Future, visit