Is the Idea of a Tobacco Company for the 21st Century a Contradiction?
British American Tobacco launches 2013 Sustainability Summary Report

March 24, 2014 /3BL Media/ - British American Tobacco has launched its latest sustainability summary report entitled: ‘Value Shared: A tobacco company for the 21st century’. The report focuses on harm reduction, sustainable agriculture and corporate behaviour and how British American Tobacco’s work in these areas is helping to build value for both the business and its wider stakeholders.
Nicandro Durante, Chief Executive of British American Tobacco, explains the concept of shared value: “It’s about creating shared value and making sure that what we do as a business doesn’t just benefit our shareholders, but can also have a much wider, positive impact for society.”
One of the key topics covered in the report is British American Tobacco’s long-standing commitment to harm reduction. Specifically, how the company is developing tobacco and nicotine products that offer a less risky alternative to conventional cigarettes. This is an area of future growth for the business and can also have a major, positive impact on public health. British American Tobacco launched its first e-cigarette, Vype, in the UK in 2013 and the report details further products under development, such as a new nicotine inhalation device and heat-not-burn products.
“Of course, emphasising harm reduction is the responsible thing to do, but if it helps to meet genuine consumer demand, it also makes commercial sense. It’s what any sustainable business would do,” commented Mr Durante.
With tobacco growing being one of the most significant parts of British American Tobacco’s supply chain, sustainable agriculture is also an important focus for the business. By working directly with over 100,000 farmers on sustainable farming practices, the company can protect the long-term security of its leaf supply, as well as helping to improve the social and environmental impact tobacco growing can have.
Highlights in the report include the planting of over 170 million trees in the last six years as part of the Group’s afforestation programmes and over £25 million invested in community projects focused on sustainable agriculture in the last six years.
The report details British American Tobacco’s views on regulation and commitment to transparency and its work with global partners and investment of over £50 million in 2013 in the fight against tobacco trafficking. It also includes the Group’s responsible marketing practices and youth smoking prevention activities and the significant progress made in reducing the Group’s environmental impact having achieved a 45% reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions from its year-2000 baseline.
Mr Durante concluded: “We won’t stop making sure we get the basics right, like being transparent and acting with integrity wherever we operate. I believe we’re making real progress in delivering on our commitments to society.”
For more information, or to download a copy of the Report, please visit:
The report is also available for iPad and Android tablets and the app can be downloaded free of charge from iTunes or Google Play.